Hi, and welcome, from Keith Kraus

I’m really not the awards and self-accolades type.
And I’m assuming you have other things you’d rather
do.   So let’s all try to get through this on-line portfolio thing as painlessly as possible.

And I promise I’ll try to keep it somewhat entertaining.

Here’s some background:

I’ve done a lot of stuff.

But, not just any stuff.

Great, real-world solution, stuff — that’s helped my clients and employers make lots of $$.

It keeps them happy, and coming back for more.
And it keeps me fed.

Generally, that’s how I measure my success
(along the way, I try to leave things better, and more sustainable, than I found them).

Reflections on laying out a newspaper —

Sharing the vision of some of the top photographers in the world has been a humbling honor.

Every now and then, a stunning photo pops up on the wire that you instantly know will be famously etched in time.

And your task is to convey the raw energy and story of that image and treat the reader to the same excitement you felt when you first saw it.

The beauty is in the details and passion.